Robert E. Landsman, PHD
Dr. Robert Landsman is the developer of the Research Investigation Process (RIP®) model of scientific inquiry for K-12 education. He brought together his twenty-three years of practice as a research scientist and twenty years as educator to design this model for revamping our nation’s approach to education, with a primary focus on scientific practices, critical thinking, and decision-making skills essential for competing and succeeding in the twenty-first century. To that end, Dr. Landsman founded and serves as president of ANOVA Science Education Corporation, a company devoted to the improvement of teaching of science from kindergarten through the university levels.
Landsman has extensive experience in K-12 scientific inquiry-based curriculum and program development across all grade levels, augmented by a vast array of teaching positions and experiences from the middle and high school levels to the university undergraduate and graduate levels. The RIP® model that he developed was given the impact evidence-based distinction of Exemplary Science Education Program by the National Science Teachers Association in 2006.
This model uses a scientific inquiry-based critical thinking approach for the instruction and learning in STEM and non-STEM content areas. This method for K-12 education has consistently led teachers and their students to successfully raise the bar at both the school and professional levels. Not only does it increase student achievement measured using a wide-range of venues, but also their accomplishments have consistently led both teachers and their students to present or publish their work in refereed forums.
Dr. Landsman has published and presented numerous research papers and book chapters in the field of neuroscience and on science teaching and curriculum development. His other books about scientific inquiry and education include: RIP®~ing Through Scientific Inquiry, Data Analysis and Decision Making in Scientific Inquiry, and Look at Me Now: Motivate Young Minds to Think and Learn Through Scientific Inquiry. He earned four graduate degrees across a variety of scientific fields, including his PhD in biopsychology/neuroscience from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in conjunction with the American Museum of Natural History. Landsman was a Post-Doctoral Scholar at both the UCLA School of Medicine’s Brain Research Institute and the Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology. He is the recipient of a number of awards and recognitions in both science and education, two of which are the Mennen Scholar and Leadership and Belle Zeller Scholarship Awards.
Dr. Landsman takes an active role in every school- or district-wide implementation of the RIP® conducted by ANOVA Science Education Corporation.
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