Robert E. Yager, PHD
Dr. Robert Yager is professor emeritus of science education at The University of Iowa, where he also earned two graduate degrees. He has directed over 100 National Science Foundation projects and has served as chair for nearly 130 doctoral students. Yager has served as president for seven national professional organizations, including the National Association for Research in Science Teaching and the National Science Teachers Association, and has authored over 600 research reports, chapters, monographs, and books. Dr. Yager continues to edit the Exemplary Science Programs (ESP) monograph series for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The ESP volumes provide Special Conference sessions at the three regional NSTA conferences each fall and the national conference each spring. Efforts are underway to produce ESP counterparts in Turkey, Indonesia, and Jordon.
Dr. Yager’s graduate work in plant physiology was completed at The University of Iowa, where he also developed one of the largest graduate programs in science education in the U.S. He has directed numerous grants totaling $15 million. Yager’s current research focus, interests and teaching are involved with science, technology, and society (STS), especially in terms of it as an instructional reform effort and the other visions outlined in the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and the current Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). He continues to identify Exemplary Science Programs across the world.
Yager was recently president of the National Association of Science-Technology-Society and has been involved internationally with special ongoing projects in promoting research and staff development focusing on STS in Korea, Taiwan, China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Estonia, Turkey, and Germany. Dr. Yager developed the Iowa Chautauqua Program, a staff development model for K-12 science teachers. The program, which has been transported to over a dozen other states and nations, received national recognition from the National Diffusion Network, National Staff Development Council, and the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
Dr. Yager has received numerous awards including the Jose Vasconcelos World Award and the Robert H. Carleton Award for Distinguished Service.
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